Join the Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods Campaign

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Congressional leaders are preparing a major budget and tax reform bill which may cut community development programs like the New Markets Tax Credit and the Historic Tax Credit. These programs have been instrumental in providing the private sector and local communities the tools they need to transform neighborhoods and towns into economically vibrant and socially inclusive walkable communities. Without Federal community development incentives, communities will continue to struggle with with decades of disinvestment, discrimination, and displacement.

This is why LOCUS has launched the Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods campaign to organize real estate developers and investors to:

  • Protect affordable housing programs including HOME, Choice Neighborhoods, and HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration program
  • Protect community development funding like CDBG, Brownfields, Choice Neighborhoods, Historic and New Markets Tax Credits
  • Increase funding for Affordable Housing Tax Credits
  • Increase transit and local infrastructure funding
  • Create a Neighborhood Rehab Tax Credit that accelerates private investment
  • Reform the Mortgage Interest Deduction to encourage greater homeownership


The time to act is now.  Will you join the campaign to rebuild America’s neighborhoods?

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