Reminder: Online chat today

Just wanted to remind all of you about the Knowledgplex Experts (Online) Chat to introduce the Smart Growth Implementation Toolkit today, Wednesday, December 12, 2007 at 2 p.m. ET. Read our last post about the chat to learn more if you’re interested.


Complete streets: Fighting the good fight

What are complete streets?To learn more, visit or check out this quick illustration from AARP on what a complete street might look like. What was simply a loose confederation a few years ago of bicycle, pedestrian, and safety advocates seemingly yelling into the wind has become an organized coalition making significant traction in policy … Continued

Complete Streets Uncategorized

Ranking walkble places

The narrative in the opening of this story on encapsulates how more people are voting with their feet by increasingly seeking out walkable places — and what developers and builders need to do to meet the growing demand created by those who are looking for another option than the strictly car-dependent lifestyle of their … Continued


Climate and insurance

In July of 2006, U.S. meteorologists and climatologists issued a statement while studying  climate change and how it may be affecting the weather: …the more urgent problem of our lemming-like march to the sea requires immediate and sustained attention. We call upon leaders of government and industry to undertake a comprehensive evaluation of building practices, … Continued


Charlotte: Riding the rails at last

Thousands of people jam a light-rail station near I-485 Saturday afternoon. ©TODD SUMLIN Charlotte Observer Click for the slideshow from the Observer We noted a few weeks ago that Charlotte voters renewed their committment to transit by an overwhelming margin, nixing the attempt by some anti-government types to scuttle a half-cent tax that funds transit … Continued
