Request for proposals: Complete Street Leadership Academy technical experts

Through this Request for Proposals (RFP), Smart Growth America (SGA) is seeking proposals from qualified firms or individuals to provide technical expertise on Complete Streets, specifically focused on quick-build demonstrations. Services will run from March to July 2025 and include workshop facilitation, community support, and technical advice.

The deadline to submit is Tuesday, February 18, 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time.


Smart Growth America is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. that envisions a country where no matter where you live or who you are, you can enjoy living in a place that is healthy, prosperous, and resilient. We empower communities through technical assistance, advocacy, and thought leadership to realize our vision of livable places, healthy people, and shared prosperity.

The Thriving Communities team advances this vision through the support of communities as they tackle issues related to transportation and public health. One strategy available to do so is through quick-build demonstration projects, temporary installations to test new street design improvements that improve safety and accessibility. Making tangible changes to streets, even if temporary, is a powerful way to demonstrate that people’s lives matter and that solving the crisis of traffic fatalities and severe injuries needs creativity, immediate action, and commitment.

Project goals and scope of services

Smart Growth America will launch a 2025 Complete Streets Leadership Academy this spring. The Complete Streets Leadership Academy aims to equip and train local agencies and state departments of transportation to collaborate, innovate, and commit to making changes together to address safety on these dangerous state-owned roads. This year’s Complete Streets Leadership Academy will partner with one state and three of its communities. The scope of the program consists of virtual capacity-building sessions, a 2-day in-person workshop, and community support as participants work together to design quick-build demonstrations on state-owned facilities in their jurisdictions.

Essential responsibilities for this role include the following tasks and deliverables:

  • Participate in planning calls with the state DOT and local points of contact throughout the program, as well as internal planning calls with SGA.
  • Work closely with SGA to refine the overall workshop curriculum.
  • Develop, present, and facilitate up to six 2-hour virtual sessions on specific topics identified in collaboration with SGA.
  • Travel to a jurisdiction within the participating state for a 2-day workshop and serve as co-facilitator with Smart Growth America.
  • Attend workshop sessions and other meetings as needed (whether presenting or not) to support the facilitation of breakout exercises.
  • Provide occasional direct support and guidance to the state DOT and localities on an as-needed basis as they plan the quick-build projects.
  • Review written deliverables (project case studies and brief recommendations) produced by SGA at the conclusion of the program.


Work is planned to begin immediately upon selection and conclude by July 31, 2025. The maximum budget for this project is $50,000 for the consultant to develop and implement the project deliverables. Consultant travel, lodging, and meals to participate in the in-person workshop must be included in the maximum budget. Other than the in-person workshop, it is expected that all work will be completed remotely. Payment will occur on a monthly basis upon receipt of invoices submitted for payment and reimbursement.

Evaluation criteria

SGA is seeking a diverse pool of proposals. Black, Indigenous, and people of color-led companies are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants will be selected based on the following desired criteria:

  • Substantial experience and thought leadership around topics related to Complete Streets and quick-build demonstrations, including designing for activity-friendly routes, community engagement, data collection, and advancing projects through all stages from development to installation;
  • Meaningful experience working in and with transportation agencies (experience with state departments of transportation preferred);
  • Experience working and trust-building in and/or with community-based organizations and advocates working to advance Complete
  • Streets and activity-friendly routes;
  • Proposed budget.

Proposal submission

Interested applicants should submit their proposal via email to Heidi Simon ([email protected]) by February 18, 2025, at 11:59pm Eastern.

Proposals should be formatted as a single PDF and include:

  • Overview: A letter of interest of no more than one page, describing your interest and relevant experience in this opportunity;
  • Background: Brief resumes of key staff, including descriptions of three past projects relevant to this RFP and Smart Growth America that have been completed in the past five (5) years.
  • Proposed budget and rates: Proposers are encouraged to submit a proposed budget at their best terms, including hourly rate(s) and the estimated cost breakdown to produce the tasks and deliverables described above. Actual contract hours will be determined in collaboration with SGA after selection.
  • References: A list of three professional references from current or former clients.

Anticipated selection timeline

If interviews are necessary, the short-listed firms or individuals will be invited to participate in an interview process with an evaluation committee, to be scheduled during the week of February 17, 2025 (tentative). SGA reserves the right to award this contract based on initial proposals received without formal interviews and to award all or part of this project to one or more firms.

SGA will make a selection by the week of February 24, 2025, and will notify candidates after the selection is complete. Questions regarding the RFP should be sent to Heidi Simon ([email protected]) by February 14, 2025.

Complete Streets