10 Elements of a Complete Streets Policy

What does a strong Complete Streets policy look like?

Stylized graphic showing illustrated people on a lovely complete street in a random community

The Complete Streets Policy Framework requires accountability to ensure that a policy produces tangible changes and prioritizes the needs of the most vulnerable users. The 10 elements of a strong policy are summarized here, but click the button below to download the full policy framework with more details on each element, including the scoring.

Download a detailed version (pdf) of the Complete Streets Policy Framework Learn more about why we overhauled and updated these elements in 2018

These ten elements below serve as a national model of best practices to create a policy that can be implemented at any level of governance, in any type of place. For communities considering passing a new Complete Streets policy or updating an existing Complete Streets policy, an ideal Complete Streets policy does the following, each of which provide a range of points in the grading process:

Stylized graphic illustrating the first element of a complete streets policy: Establishes commitment and vision

1) Establishes commitment and vision

How and why does the community want to complete its streets? This specifies a clear statement of intent to create a complete, connected network and consider the needs of all users. Read more >>

Stylized graphic illustrating the second element of a complete streets policy: Prioritizes underinvested and underserved communities

2) Prioritizes underinvested and underserved communities

Requires jurisdictions to define who are their most underinvested and underserved communities and prioritize them throughout. Read more >>

Stylized graphic illustrating the 3rd element of a complete streets policy: Applies to all projects and phases

3) Applies to all projects and phases

Instead of a limited set of projects, the policy applies to all new projects, retrofit or reconstruction projects, maintenance projects, and ongoing operations. Read more >>

Stylized graphic illustrating the 4th element of a complete streets policy: Allows only clear exceptions

4) Allows only clear exceptions

Any exceptions must be specific, with a clear procedure that requires high-level approval and public notice prior to exceptions being granted. Read more >>

Stylized graphic illustrating the 5th element of a complete streets policy: Mandates coordinations

5) Mandates coordination

Requires private developers to comply, and interagency coordination between government departments and partner agencies. Read more >>

Stylized graphic illustrating the 6th element of a complete streets policy: Adopts excellence design guidance

6) Adopts excellent design guidance

Directs agencies to use the latest and best design criteria and guidelines, and sets a time frame for implementing this guidance. Read more >>

Stylized graphic illustrating the 7th element of a complete streets policy: Requires proactive land-use planning

7) Requires proactive land-use planning

Considers every project’s greater context, as well as the surrounding community’s current and expected land-use and transportation needs. Read more >>

Stylized graphic illustrating the 8th element of a complete streets policy: Measure progress

8) Measures progress

Establishes specific performance measures that match the goals of the broader vision, incorporate equity considerations, and are regularly reported to the public. Read more >>



Stylized graphic illustrating the 9th element of a complete streets policy: Sets criteria for choosing projects

9) Sets criteria for choosing projects

Creates or updates the criteria for choosing transportation projects so that Complete Streets projects are prioritized. Read more >>

Stylized graphic illustrating the 10th element of a complete streets policy: Creates a plan for implementation

10) Creates a plan for implementation

A formal commitment to the Complete Streets approach is only the beginning. It must include specific steps for implementing the policy in ways that will make a measurable impact on what gets built and where. Read more >>


Are you interested in passing or updating a policy?

Start with this short introductory guide to adopting and then putting a policy into practice:

Adopt and implement a Complete Streets policy

Stylized graphic showing illustrated people on a lovely complete street in a random communityAnd then download and use the full guide to The 10 Elements of a Complete Streets Policy. In this detailed guide, we unpack each of the ten elements above in greater detail, including scoring totals for each element so that communities interested in passing a strong policy can get actionable details to help them craft the best possible policy that will make a difference in what gets built and where.

Read about the ten elements in the ideal Complete Streets policy

Evaluate your policy

The National Complete Streets Coalition evaluates and scores Complete Streets policies across the country using our Policy Framework. Now, advocates and policymakers can do the same, using our free and open-source tool to evaluate existing or drafted local, MPO, or state-level Complete Streets policies.

Use the Complete Streets Policy Evaluation Tool

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