Jamise Brown

Jamise Brown is the Grants & Contracts Manager at Smart Growth America.  In this role, she enjoys tackling complex Grants & Contracts issues with grace and charm.

Jamise is a 34-year Contracts & Grants Manager with extensive accounting experience.  She started her career in accounting at 17 years of age working as a general accountant, 4 hours / 3 days a week, after school at the Department of Navy, for her last year of high school.  From that point, she fell in love with Finance and has ventured, 15 years in the federal government, 4 years in Fortune 500 Companies, and the last 15 years in Non-Profits, in various finance positions.  The non-profit industry is where she found her place.

SUMMIT (Slaying Unbelievable Monetary Mountains in Time) is her motto.  She gives to her community by showing up at work with self-expectations of excellence.  Knowing her work enhances the community and way of life.