About the Coalition

What does it mean to be a Smart Growth America coalition member?
Smart Growth America looks to its coalition members for leadership, counsel, and on-the-ground connections. Coalition members are encouraged to actively participate in coalition committees and attend regular phone calls, networking events and Smart Growth America’s annual Lobby Day.

In return, Smart Growth America provides a strong, clear voice at the national level for common policy advocacy, as well as benefits like communication tools, information on federal legislation, research products, and connections to like-minded leaders from across the country. Coalition members agree to support Smart Growth America’s public policy work, share timely information, and undertake common initiatives where possible.

Join the Coalition 

What are the benefits of membership?

  • Representation on smart growth issues at the federal level;
  • Regular news and updates about state, regional and national smart growth policy;
  • Access to a members-only directory, mailing list and online resources;
  • Connections to fellow smart growth advocacy professionals;
  • Media and spokesperson opportunities as the local partner for national reports;
  • Access to potential funding (for state and local organizations) through national/state campaigns run by Smart Growth America, as well as information about additional funding opportunities;
  • Your business or organization’s name and link posted on the Partners page of Smart Growth America’s website;
  • Access to Smart Growth America staff for expert advice, policy information and technical support; and,
  • Discounts on event speaking fees for Smart Growth America staff.

What are the responsibilities of membership?
Smart Growth America looks to its members for leadership, counsel, and on-the-ground connections. Coalition members agree to support Smart Growth America’s public policy work, share timely information, and undertake common initiatives where possible.

Smart Growth America understands that all organizations have unique funding situations and accepts pay-what-you-can membership dues. Suggested membership dues are charged on a sliding scale, based on your organization’s budget. If smart growth is not the main focus of your organization, dues will be based on the budget for your organization’s smart growth program. Your organization can pay more or less than the suggested amount based on what you can afford.

Organization Budget
(or smart growth portion)
Dues amount Organization Budget
(or smart growth portion)
Dues amount
Under $25,000 $50 $500,000-$1 million $750
$25-$50,000 $150 $1-$2.5 million $1000
$50-$100,000 $250 $2.5-$5 million $1250
$100-500,000 $500 Over $5 million $1,500


Join the Coalition