Smart Growth America is now accepting applications for the second round of the Arts & Transportation Rapid Response, an initiative for transit agencies looking to creatively and quickly address pandemic-related transportation challenges. Interested agencies may apply using the form here.
Frequently asked questions
What do I need to do to apply?
Complete and submit an application online. The deadline for submission is Monday, December 21, 2020 at 11:59PM ET. Agencies will be notified of their status by the end of January, 2021.
Who can apply?
Transit agencies from any size community and from rural, suburban, and/or urban environments are eligible to apply. Agencies must apply to work with an artist directly on a COVID-19 related transportation challenge.
My organization is not a transit agency, but we have been authorized by the government to take responsibility for some aspect of transit in our community. Can we apply?
Yes. Nonprofits and private organizations who are responsible for some aspect of transit in their community are eligible to apply. If you are not sure if you are eligible, you can reach out to Mae Hanzlik at [email protected] and we can help determine your eligibility.
Will the Arts & Transportation Rapid Response offer a stipend for agency staff time required to complete the project?
Yes, SGA will provide a stipend $1,000 to the selected agencies to ensure that this is a benefit rather than a burden to their ongoing work. These funds are intended to be flexible, and may support agency staff time, materials or fabrication expenses, or other project expenses approved by SGA.
Will my agency receive the core project funds directly?
No, SGA will pay the artists directly for their time and required materials.
Is a local funding match required?
No, but it is encouraged.
I’m an artist and I’m interested in participating. How can I get involved?
We are not accepting applications from artists at this time. Once SGA has selected the three agencies to participate in the second round of the A&TRR initiative, requests for qualifications will be issued to help find artists in those three locations.
Does the agency get to provide the project parameters to the artist?
The agency will provide information on what they are hoping to achieve through the project to SGA, who will produce a project explanation document for the selected artist. Together, the artist and agency will work together, along with assistance from SGA and Forecast, to design and implement the project.
Do you look to community artists where the grant is awarded or do you have a pool of national artists you are drawing from?
We will prioritize selecting artists in or near the selected communities whenever possible. In some cases, where a non-local artist provides a better fit, and the work can be completed remotely, we will expand our search.
What are the reporting requirements for the selected jurisdictions?
Each selected jurisdiction will sign an MOU stating that they will implement the project. The selected jurisdictions will also need to:
- Participate in a summary webinar at the conclusion of the project.
- Sit for an interview with SGA staff lasting approximately one hour and/or answer written questions about the project to help SGA write a final report.
- Ensure that the necessary permits and permissions are granted to allow the project to be implemented.
When do the projects need to be completed?
Projects need to be completed by the end of July 2021.
You didn’t answer my question! Where can I go for more information?
You can submit your questions here or reach out to Mae Hanzlik at [email protected].