Milwaukee, WI: Capacity challenges slow, but don’t stall Complete Streets work

When Wisconsin repealed its state Complete Streets policy in 2015, the City of Milwaukee jumped on the opportunity to adopt its own city-level policy, crafting a strong resolution in 2018. Despite strong annual reports designed to track progress, the city continues to face numerous staffing and capacity challenges, but city staff and local advocates remain committed to achieving the vision outlined in their policy.

Complete Streets

Baltimore, MD: Consistent reflection is crucial to inform binding next steps

In 2010, Baltimore passed a non-binding Complete Streets resolution. Recognizing that the resolution did not have the intended impact, Baltimore delivered a strong and binding Complete Streets ordinance in 2018, showing their commitment to implementing Complete Streets. The updated ordinance included important requirements such as the development of a new Complete Streets Manual, regular staff training to build internal capacity, and publicly available annual reports assessing transportation projects and investments through an equity lens.

Complete Streets

How strong is your Complete Streets policy? Use our Policy Evaluation tool to find out

The National Complete Streets Coalition evaluates and scores Complete Streets policies across the country using our Policy Framework. Now, advocates and policymakers can do the same, using our free and open-source tool to evaluate existing or drafted local, MPO, or state-level Complete Streets policies. Complete Streets policies are a community’s formal commitment to fund, plan … Continued

Complete Streets

Policy Evaluation Tool FAQs

The National Complete Streets Coalition evaluates and scores Complete Streets policies across the country using our Policy Framework. Now, advocates and policymakers can do the same, using our free and open-source tool to evaluate existing or drafted local, MPO, or state-level Complete Streets policies. Not all Complete Streets policies are created equally, that’s why we … Continued

Complete Streets

Active Roadmap Case Study: Montpelier, VT

CREATING CONNECTIONS IN MONTPELIER, VT Location: Montpelier, VT Population: 7,434 (2020) Typologies: Traditional main street Key takeaway: In small cities and rural areas, the effects of emergency situations like a global pandemic can hit especially hard. Finding ways to connect the community during crisis can be essential for resiliency in rural areas Vermont’s capital city, … Continued

Complete Streets Rural Development

Active Roadmap Case Study: Ruston, LA

QUALITY OF LIFE IS KEY IN RUSTON, LA Location: Ruston, LA Population: 21,987 (2020) Typologies: Retirement, second-home; Traditional main street; College Key takeaway: Ruston is implementing changes to their built environment to encourage walking and to connect their communities. These changes have enabled them, in spite of their distance from a large metropolitan area, to … Continued

Rural Development

Active Roadmap Case Study: Oxford, MS

OXFORD’S COMPLETE STREETS ADD ECONOMIC BENEFITS Location: Oxford, MS Population: 27,662 (2020) Typologies: Traditional main street community; College community. Key takeaway: Improving safety and comfort for people walking, biking, and rolling can improve not only the safety and enjoyment of people in a rural community but also the economy of the community. Oxford, MS, is … Continued

Complete Streets Rural Development

Active Roadmap Case Study: Erwin, TN

ERWIN’S THRIVING DOWNTOWN ACTIVITY CENTER Location: Erwin, TN Population: 5,910 (2020) Typologies: Retirement, second-home; Traditional main street; Edge Key takeaway: By focusing on attracting investment to its historic downtown, expanding broadband, and improving access to local amenities and commercial areas, Erwin has created a thriving downtown activity center, where residents can safely walk to the … Continued

Complete Streets Rural Development

Active Roadmap Case Study: Excelsior Springs, MO

EXCELSIOR SPRING RESILIENCY CAPABILITIES Location: Excelsior Springs, MO Population: 11,688 Typologies: Traditional main street; Edge Key takeaway: By applying a combination of strategies to support local businesses during a global health crisis, Excelsior Springs was able to minimize negative effects to their local economy, continue to attract visitors, and maintain the healthy, stable community that … Continued

Complete Streets Rural Development

Active Roadmap Case Study: Paris, TX

PARIS TAILORS FIXED-ROUTE SERVICE TO COMMUNITY NEEDS Location: Paris, Texas Population: 24,814 (2020) Typology: Traditional Main Street community Key takeaway: Through community partnerships, Paris’s fixed-route service was kept affordable for residents, and was tailored to the needs of the sponsoring partners. Paris is a town of 25,000 people located in northeastern Texas along the border … Continued

Complete Streets Rural Development