Call for ideas: Healing our Highways through creativity, community, and culture (applications open)

Smart Growth America, with support from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Kresge Foundation, is requesting applications for our new grant program, Healing Our Highways. This initiative aims to generate creative ideas and activities that build knowledge, connections, and power within disadvantaged communities most harmed by transportation systems and climate change. The program … Continued

Arts and Culture Climate Change Technical assistance Transportation

Leveraging the Nuclear Workforce to Develop Synergistic Industries

Methodology The SGA team analyzed national and regional jobs data and economic patterns in order to evaluate the economic impacts associated with nuclear plants. The analysis employs a comprehensive approach, combining quantitative data with qualitative assessments. It incorporates various economic indicators, including employment rates, income levels, and regional economic growth trends. The methodology is grounded … Continued

Economic development

Transportation Artists in Residence: A Landscape of an Emerging Field

In 2018 Smart Growth America launched the concept of artists-in-residence in state transportation agencies with leaders of the Minnesota and Washington State Departments of Transportation (MnDOT and WSDOT). The goal of this program was to use a creative approach to advance the agencies’ goals to reduce congestion, promote economic vitality, support multimodal transportation systems, and … Continued


Request for proposals: Cultural organizing technical assistance consulting services

Through this Request for Proposals (RFP), Smart Growth America (SGA) is seeking proposals for consultant services to support the programming of its Arts & Culture team. Services include providing technical assistance in community and cultural organizing, power and movement building, and leadership and strategy development and implementation, by and within communities of color around issues … Continued

Technical assistance

Designation 2050: The case for updating Vermont’s Designation Program

Vermont’s Designation Programs guide development and state investment priorities for revitalization. In response to the Program’s evolving needs, Smart Growth America and Community Workshop collaborated on Designation 2050, a strategic report that evaluates the current Designation Programs, sharing insights and recommendations for reform. The report’s key findings aim to position a reformed Designation Program to … Continued

Land Use and Development Technical assistance

Designation 2050: Vermont State Designation Program Evaluation and Reform

Vermont’s Designation Programs guide development and state investment priorities for revitalization by offering benefits to municipalities and property owners like tax credits, grant funding, and easier permitting for housing in designated areas to municipalities and property owners. While the programs have been successful in leveraging hundreds of millions of dollars in funding for local development … Continued

Land Use and Development

Request for proposals: Complete Streets Metrics Report layout and design

Smart Growth America is seeking an experienced professional in layout and design to transform a draft report into a visually appealing and accessible final resource. Please submit proposals to Heidi Simon, Director of Thriving Communities ([email protected]) by Tuesday, January 23. Overview Smart Growth America has drafted a report exploring the practice of measuring successful implementation … Continued

Complete Streets

Press statement: Newly updated MUTCD doesn’t go far enough to protect pedestrians

Washington, D.C. (Dec. 20) — Yesterday, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) released the 11th Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), a document “that governs how traffic control devices communicate the design intent to the road user to safely and efficiently navigate the roadway system.” Smart Growth America and Transportation for America … Continued

Complete Streets Transportation

Community Connectors kickoff: Six key takeaways from our convening in Atlanta

Last month, more than 100 participants from the 15 communities selected to participate in the Community Connectors program convened in Atlanta to start building trust and relationships, plan out the scopes for the capacity-building grants they’re receiving from this 18-month program, and lay the groundwork for their ambitious projects to reconnect their communities. Joined by … Continued

Technical assistance

Equity Summit 2024 Keynote: April De Simone

April De Simone Practice of Democracy Founder, Managing Principal NOMA, Associate AIA Learn more about April At the intersection of social dynamics and spatial design, Ms. De Simone is a socio-spatial practitioner who navigates and investigates the intricate relationship between individuals and their built environment. Her interdisciplinary approach incorporates architectural phenomenology, a philosophical framework that … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity