Power of Place: Reimagining Vermont’s State Designation Programs

Smart Growth America is working with a team of practitioners and leaders with deep knowledge of state and local land use policy to reform Vermont’s state designation programs that guide development and state investment priorities for revitalization. This project offers an exciting opportunity to support livable, walkable, thriving communities with a range of attainable housing … Continued

Land Use and Development Technical assistance

Takeaways from the Best Complete Streets Policies 2023 Webinar

Last month, Smart Growth America and the National Complete Streets Coalition hosted the Best Complete Streets Policies 2023 Webinar. We heard directly from four advocates and practitioners who helped pass some of the strongest Complete Streets policies of the past four years in communities across the country. Read on for the final takeaways from our … Continued

Complete Streets

The Best Complete Streets Policies 2023

Since the beginning of the Complete Streets movement in the early 2000s, more than 1,700 Complete Streets policies have been adopted in jurisdictions of all sizes and contexts across the United States. Adopting Complete Streets policies is a crucial first step to reducing traffic violence, improving health equity, responding to the climate crisis, and rectifying … Continued

Complete Streets

T4A comments on Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC) Guidelines

On May 3, Transportation for America, a program of SGA, submitted comments in response to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) request for improvements to the Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC) Guidelines. The MMUCC guidelines provide recommendations to state and local agencies on the collection of crash data, specifically looking at the variables … Continued

Advocacy Complete Streets

Arlington and Missing Middle Housing: Hear from Key Pro-Housing Parties

Zoning is having a moment, and Arlington County joined the party. In response to a severe housing shortage,  pro-housing coalitions across the country are coming together to change zoning laws to allow a diversity of housing options. Last month, Arlington County approved Missing Middle Housing thanks to advocacy from a coalition of pro-housing folks including … Continued

Land Use and Development

How a new federal spending plan can further smart growth solutions

Biden’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2024 is now in congressional hands, where it’ll likely change substantially before returning to the president’s desk. Congress’s decisions will inform how dollars are spent on key housing, community development, and transportation projects. How do these investments move smart growth goals forward (or leave them behind)? Housing and community … Continued

Advocacy Land Use and Development Transportation

Now Hiring: Senior Accountant

Smart Growth America is seeking a dynamic and detail-oriented Senior Accountant to join our growing Finance and Administration team and support our dedicated program staff who focus on the built environment’s role in creating healthy, prosperous, and thriving communities. To apply: Please send a cover letter and resume to [email protected] with “Senior Accountant” in the … Continued


Announcing our first cohort of State Legislator Champions for Complete Streets

The State Legislator Champions Institute is our initiative to equip state legislators from across the country to effectively advocate for and support more activity-friendly transportation in their states. Today, we are proud to announce our first cohort of Champions: 20 state legislators who will receive comprehensive training to help them become Complete Streets Champions by … Continued

Complete Streets

Call for Community Partners: Free Climate & Land Use Technical Assistance

Smart Growth America is offering free Technical Assistance (TA) to support at least three community-based organizations across the U.S. to address climate and land use housing topics. SGA can help support community partners to effectively advocate for housing, zoning and planning policies, and infrastructure that are more prepared for the impacts of climate change such … Continued

Climate Change Land Use and Development Technical assistance