Introducing the new LOCUS Programmatic Priorities

LOCUS, SGA’s coalition of triple-bottom-line real estate developers and investors, is proud to announce three new priorities. Created in partnership with the LOCUS steering committee, these new priorities will guide the future of LOCUS’s advocacy efforts. LOCUS is a long-time leader in advocacy efforts to advance transit-oriented development and leveraging infrastructure investment to support housing … Continued

Land Use and Development LOCUS

TIFIA’s first transit-oriented development loan approval

Transit-oriented development (TOD) is an important priority of LOCUS to advance sustainable, equitable, walkable development in America’s metropolitan areas. To meet that goal, LOCUS has long advocated for TIFIA, an important tool to advance TOD, helping to secure a win through the passage of the FAST Act in 2015. Recently, the first loan was approved … Continued

Land Use and Development LOCUS

New anti-displacement fact sheets for communities undergoing brownfields redevelopment

In partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization, Smart Growth America (SGA) created a set of fact sheets that highlight strategies communities can use to help mitigate displacement in the contexts of brownfields redevelopment. SGA conducted interviews with community groups and municipal leaders from across the country to learn more about strategies to minimize residential and business displacement as well as implementation practices.

Land Use and Development

Over 30 organizations show their support for the Brownfields Redevelopment Tax Incentive Reauthorization Act

The National Brownfields Coalition, with support from over 30 national organizations, released a letter in support of the reintroduction of the Brownfields Redevelopment Tax Incentive Reauthorization Act. This bill, introduced by Rep. Mikie Sherrill (NJ) and Rep. Michael Turner (OH), will allow taxpayers to fully deduct the cleanup costs of contaminated property in the year … Continued

Land Use and Development

Commercial to Residential? White House Highlights Programs that Could Help Vacancies in Downtowns

In the face of the well-documented housing crisis, and amidst a changing landscape for office and commercial buildings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the White House released a guidebook of programs that would assist commercial to residential conversions. As local government leaders, developers, policymakers, and other stakeholders debate strategies to revitalize their downtowns, this guidebook … Continued

Land Use and Development LOCUS

Three bills that would advance equitable, sustainable development

LOCUS, a coalition of triple-bottom-line real estate developers convened by Smart Growth America, made significant advocacy efforts this summer. The coalition’s work aims to advance legislation that could lead to more equitable, sustainable development and better connectivity between land use and transportation policy. A core focus of this advocacy work has been establishing strategies to deliver more mixed-income and mixed-use development near transit. Below are three important bills that would advance these goals.