Declare your support: Join the National Complete Streets Coalition

The National Complete Streets Coalition invites current and future members to pledge their support for the coalition’s mission, values, and outcomes we’re working to achieve. Let us know that you’re on board to support our efforts to integrate people and place in the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of transportation networks by filling out … Continued

Advocacy Complete Streets Transportation

Proposed ruling from Maryland State Legislature prioritizes safety over speed

Senator Michael A. Jackson recently introduced a bill in the Maryland State Legislature that demonstrates a model for removing barriers to speed reduction at the state level. This kind of legislative action to improve road safety demonstrates much-needed leadership and puts the power of safer streets back into the hands of the community. Speed vs. … Continued

Advocacy Complete Streets

Growing and supporting transportation artists-in-residence

Smart Growth America’s new report—Transportation Artists in Residence: A Landscape of an Emerging Field—takes a closer look at two pilot artist residencies at state departments of transportation convened by our Arts and Culture team. Initially launched in 2018, Smart Growth America created the concept of artists-in-residence in state transportation agencies. The report evaluates the impacts, … Continued


Brighter streets, safer streets: Improving pedestrian safety after dark

Pedestrian deaths are on the rise, with 76 percent of fatalities occurring at night. We know that the dangerous design of our roadways emphasizes speed over safety. Reduced visibility at night also drastically increases risk. Improved lighting can help keep pedestrians safe, but if we want long-term solutions, we need to reevaluate the priorities deeply embedded in our transportation infrastructure.

Complete Streets Transportation