Complete Streets News — May 2017


Webinar next week: Making the Most of Main Street — Join the National Complete Streets Coalition Wednesday, May 17, 2017 from 1:00-2:00 PM EDT for our webinar “Making the Most of Main Street: Complete Streets & Walkable Communities.” Co-host America Walks and speakers from Langley, WA will join the Coalition to discuss how a Complete Streets approach can help communities revitalize downtowns. Participants will learn about developing and implementing Complete Streets, the intersection of public health and rural economic development, how to get community members involved, and finding funding.

Complete Streets

How is the FAST Act being implemented? Complete Streets are among its successes.

At the end of 2015, Congress passed a five-year $305 billion federal transportation bill — The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. It was the first transportation bill to ever include Complete Streets language, and the first law enacted in more than 10 years to provide long-term funding certainty for surface transportation.

The Complete Streets provisions in the FAST Act represent a great step forward in the effort to make streets across the country safer for everyone who uses them. Notably, the bill requires National Highway System roadway designs to take into account access for all modes of transportation. It also makes NACTO’s Urban Design Guide one of the standards for when the U.S. Department of Transportation designs roads, and it permits local governments to use their own adopted design guide if they are the lead project sponsor, even if it differs from state guidelines.

Complete Streets

Complete Streets News — March 2017



Upcoming webinar: Assessing the Return on Investment in Complete Streets — Join the National Complete Streets Coalition tomorrow, March 23, 2017 from 1:00-2:00 PM EDT for our webinar “Creating Value: Assessing the Return on Investment in Complete Streets.” Co-host Stantec will join the Coalition to explain how to plan and design Complete Streets projects to make them more competitive for grants. Participants will learn how to use basic return on investment analysis to measure the benefits of Complete Streets. Missed our last webinar on Public Health in Complete Streets? View the recording here.

Complete Streets

The communities in the running for the best Complete Streets policy of 2016

Eddy Street Commons in South Bend, IN. South Bend had one of the highest scoring policies of 2015. Which communities will be on the 2016 list? Photo courtesy of the City of South Bend.

Last year, 130 communities passed Complete Streets policies, and all of them are in the running to win the title of best Complete Streets policy of 2016. Could your town or city be this year’s winner?

Complete Streets

Complete Streets News — February 2017

Today’s webinar: The Role of Public Health in Complete Streets— What’s the connection between public health and Complete Streets? And how can professionals in public health and transportation work together to create streets that are safe and convenient for a variety of active transportation choices? Join the National Complete Streets Coalition today, February 15, 2017 from 1:00-2:00 PM EST for “The Role of Public Health in Complete Streets”, the first event in our new webinar series. Co-hosts Voices for Healthy Kids and the American Public Health Association will join the Coalition in exploring all these questions and more.

Complete Streets

Complete Streets News — January 2017


Thanks for joining us at our Complete Streets Dinner — The National Complete Streets Coalition hosted our Seventh Annual Complete Streets Dinner last Tuesday evening, January 10, 2017. More than 60 advocates, supporters, partners, and friends gathered in Washington, DC to mingle, share ideas, and commemorate an eventful year for the Coalition. Guests took advantage of the opportunity to network and exchange ideas before sharing a family-style dinner, featuring guest speaker Polly Trottenberg, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation.

Introducing “Dangerous by Design” — Between 2005 and 2014, a total of 46,149 people were struck and killed by cars while walking. That averages out to about 13 people per day. Dangerous by Design 2016 takes a closer look at the alarming epidemic of pedestrian deaths. The fourth edition of this report, out last week, once again ranks the most dangerous places for people walking by a “Pedestrian Danger Index,” or PDI. It also explores who is most at risk of being struck and killed by a car while walking, including data that looks at pedestrians by age, race, ethnicity, and income. Missed the report release webinar? View the recording here.

Complete Streets

Get your ticket for the Seventh Annual Complete Streets Dinner

Before you head home for the holidays, make sure to secure your ticket to the National Complete Streets Coalition’s Seventh Annual Complete Streets Dinner, to be held on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 in Washington, DC. Conveniently scheduled during the 2017 Transportation Research Board meeting, this intimate and fun event brings together top Complete Streets professionals, policymakers, supporters, and friends to celebrate the successes of the Complete Streets movement in the last year.

Complete Streets

Tickets on sale for Seventh Annual Complete Streets Dinner

Join the National Complete Streets Coalition at our Seventh Annual Complete Streets Dinner, held on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 in Washington, DC. Conveniently scheduled during the 2017 Transportation Research Board meeting, this intimate and fun event brings together top Complete Streets professionals, policymakers, supporters, and friends to celebrate the successes of the Complete Streets movement in the last year.

Complete Streets

Complete Streets News — November 2016



Catch up on the conversations from Street Lights 2016— This month we had the honor of hosting Street Lights 2016, the National Complete Streets Coalition’s first-ever national conference, in Sacramento, CA. Leaders from across the country came together to share ideas, inspiration, and calls for actions on Complete Streets particularly as they relate to equity and implementation, two pillars of the Coalition’s core mission. Read the event recap, view the photo album, and check out our Storify of the event.

Complete Streets