Balancing growth: Preserving small-scale retail through neighborhood investment

Today, local planners, policymakers, and community advocates across the country face the challenge of promoting economic development while ensuring that small-scale retailers—and the community culture they provide—continue to thrive. Drawing on examples from various cities—including insights from ICF in Redmond, Washington—we’re examining how gentrification offers an opportunity to preserve small-scale businesses and ensure equitable outcomes. … Continued

Economic development Land Use and Development Zoning

Understanding the fiscal impact of zoning and how smart growth solutions can foster fiscal responsibility

As communities across the United States grapple with increasing economic pressures, the role of zoning is becoming even more critical in shaping not just the physical landscape but also the financial health of municipalities. Restrictive single-family zoning, in particular, has profound implications for infrastructure efficiency and fiscal budgets. The Center for Zoning Solutions (CZS), a … Continued

Land Use and Development Rural Development Zoning

Zoning matters in rural areas, too: Why rural communities must consider zoning reform

When we think of zoning reform, the focus often lands on cities—dense urban cores, sprawling suburbs, and the challenges they face with housing affordability, transportation, and equity. However, zoning and zoning solutions are just as critical for rural areas. These communities are deeply impacted by inefficient and exclusionary land-use policies, with consequences that threaten their character, economies, and long-term sustainability.

Rural Development Zoning

Five key smart growth points from a new report on transit station area development

In urban planning and development, transit station areas are the unsung heroes shaping our cities. By examining the period from the Great Recession of 2007-2009 through the global COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2023, a recent report offers invaluable insights on how transit-oriented development can transform our urban landscapes.

Economic development Land Use and Development Transportation

A path forward for affordable housing in Hawaiʻi

Embarking on a trip to Hawai’i last week, I found myself amidst the lush landscapes and warm aloha spirit, tasked with a mission that resonates deeply with our work at Smart Growth America. Partnering with AARP Hawai’i, we delved into the complexities of affordable housing in the state, a challenge that is both urgent and pivotal to our mission. It was an honor to present our findings and engage in a meaningful dialogue with the Hawai’i State Senate Committee on Housing, sharing insights that could pave the way for sustainable housing solutions.

Land Use and Development

Building consensus: Congress takes on zoning

On April 28, 2023, SGA attended the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs in their hearing, “Building Consensus to Address Housing Challenges.” At the hearing, senators recognized the housing crisis and the need to address it, and witnesses testified to various approaches to solving housing problems and delivering more much-needed housing affordable to … Continued

Land Use and Development

The Smart Growth America ballpark championship

Here in Smart Growth America’s home of Washington, DC, the city is abuzz with World Series fever as game three gets underway tonight at Nationals Park near the Navy Yard area of the District of Columbia. This got us thinking: which Major League ballparks are in neighborhoods with development patterns most consistent with smart growth principles? 


Virginia’s $40 tolls stir debate on equity impacts

Virginia recently introduced new rush-hour tolls on I-66 inside the Washington Beltway on lanes previously reserved for high-occupancy vehicles, sparking a regional debate about tolling and equity. Tolls can be a valuable tool to advance smart growth — if paired with important policies that increase transportation options and support smarter land-use choices. I-66 toll gantries. Photo … Continued


Amazon’s hunt for a second HQ is likely to end in a vibrant, walkable, urban place

Amazon dropped a bombshell earlier this week when they announced that they’re going to expand from Seattle by building a brand new second headquarters in another city. Based on their RFP, regardless of where they land, it’s another example of how companies are increasingly seeking out vibrant, walkable, connected urban places as they try to attract and retain talent.

Economic development