Urban mobility report paints flawed picture of congestion, solutions

Crossposted from Transportation for America.

The Urban Mobility Report is an important reminder that too many Americans are stuck without good options for efficient, safe and affordable travel in our cities and towns. It is especially timely as Congress prepares to reset priorities for investing our transportation trust fund. However, we must note that flaws in the UMR’s analysis could lead to faulty conclusions about what the report indicates.


Now Hiring: Government Affairs Associate

Smart Growth America is seeking a full time Government Affairs Associate to work with the Government Affairs & Outreach team and coalition partners to engage and educate Congress and the Administration on the benefits of smart growth and sustainable communities. The Government Affairs Associate will work on issues including housing, tax and finance, transportation, fiscally … Continued


Now Hiring: Deputy Communications Director at Smart Growth America

Smart Growth America is seeking an experienced and enthusiastic candidate to be deputy communications director. This individual will act as SGA’s press secretary, manage offline publicity and media relations work, and author significant written communications for the organization. The candidate must have 7-10 years experience with traditional media, strategic planning for press releases and reports, … Continued


HUD, DOT, EPA and White House announce "unprecedented collaboration" supporting sustainable communities to "create good jobs today"

Melody Barnes, Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, at a press conference on the Partnership for Sustainable Communities today.

Leaders of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the White House joined together today to discuss the Partnership for Sustainable Communities, a joint effort between the three agencies to use taxpayer money more efficiently by coordinating federal investments to meet multiple economic, environmental, and community objectives with each dollar spent. This week, the Partnership has awarded a combined $400 million to communities across the country to help plan and build sustainable communities. Ray LaHood, U.S. Secretary of Transportation, called this an “unprecedented collaboration.”


DOT and HUD Grants Connect Housing, Employment, Transportation and Economic Development

The U.S. Departments of Transportation (DOT) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) jointly announced today the award of $68 million to 62 communities across the country for projects that integrate affordable housing, create more good jobs and support better public transportation options.

HUD’s Sustainable Communities Challenge Grants and DOT’s TIGER II Planning Grants are the latest examples of interagency federal programs that aim to create economically robust and sustainable communities through better transportation, housing and development coordination – helping communities make themselves even stronger through a more thoughtful use of every available dollar for their local economy.


National Associations Congratulate HUD Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Awardees


National Associations Congratulate HUD Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Awardees
Organizations Urge Continued Federal Investments to Ensure Nationwide Community Economic Competitiveness

WASHINGTON, DC – The National League of Cities (NLC), National Association of Regional Councils (NARC), Smart Growth America (SGA), the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA (ICLEI) congratulate the cities, towns, communities and regions which today were awarded Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These communities will now undertake critical regional planning and implementation activities that support building sustainable, livable communities through regional cooperation, broad stakeholder and community involvement and coordinated processes. The organizations also offer gratitude to HUD and the other federal agencies involved for undertaking an inaugural and historic process that will yield results for years to come.


Smart Growth America Applauds National Transportation Equity Coalition

As co-chair of the Transportation for America campaign, Smart Growth America is proud to help launch the nation’s leading civil rights, community development, racial justice, economic justice, faith-based, health, housing, labor, environmental justice, tribal, and transportation organizations to create the Equity Caucus at Transportation for America. Transportation is a crucial part of the path to … Continued


Now Hiring: Director, Governors' Institute on Community Design

Smart Growth America is looking for a highly qualified individual to fill the position of Director of the Governors’ Institute on Community Design. This position offers a tremendous opportunity to work at the cutting edge of state and local smart growth policy with top level officials and experts, developing innovative policy options and disseminating best … Continued


Guest Post: Who loves abandoned Wal-Marts and K-Marts?

rock bottom rollback, originally uploaded by sssteve.o. Doug Simpson shares one education company’s exciting efforts — presented last Friday at the Louisiana Smart Growth Summit — to breathe new life into abandoned big box retailers. AUGUST 20, 2010 – An Alabama-based adult education company seeks out vacant “big box” retail sites and shopping malls to … Continued


Guest Post: DOT likely to continue funding for rail expansion, Osborne says

Capitol Grocery, originally uploaded by de*. Doug Simpson provides us the following update from the 2010 Louisiana Smart Growth Summit, underway now in Baton Rouge: AUGUST 19, 2010 – The federal government is expected to continue providing funding for cities to expand passenger rail service because public transport can drive down travel costs for residents, … Continued
