Capital Ideas conference will discuss innovative transportation funding legislation, Nov. 13-14 in Denver, CO


As Congress has repeatedly postponed tough decisions on federal transportation funding, a handful of states have stepped up and passed new transportation funding legislation. In early 2015, a host of new state legislators and governors will be sworn in—and in many state capitols, transportation will be on the front burner.

Transportation advocates and legislators are invited to Capital Ideas: Raising Money for Transportation Through Innovative State Legislation on November 13-14, 2014 in Denver, CO. This two-day conference hosted by Transportation for America will explore new ways to raise money for transportation projects.

Whether you are just beginning a funding campaign, working to overcome a legislative impasse, or defending a key legislative win, Capital Ideas will offer a detailed, interactive curriculum of best practices, campaign tactics, innovative policies, and peer-to-peer collaboration to help your initiative succeed.

Join the conference to expand your knowledge of transportation funding and finance, learn ways to reduce project ramp-up time, hear about valuable resources, and network with local, regional, statewide, and national leaders at this preeminent event. You’ll hear how other leaders have overcome challenges to pass bills into law, and come away with strategies to advance innovative policies in your own state.

Transportation for America, a program of Smart Growth America, is a national campaign dedicated to advancing smart, homegrown, locally-driven transportation solutions. Capital Ideas will bring together national experts and local leaders from across the country to provide a comprehensive understanding of the country’s best policies for transportation funding.

As a transportation leader, don’t miss this opportunity to help your community. Register for Capital Ideas today.

Local Leaders Council