Congress does not include funding for HUD’s Sustainable Communities Initiative in FY 2012

Washington, DC – The conference report for the FY 2012 minibus, which includes funding for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) eliminates funds for the Sustainable Communities Initiative. The program served as HUD’s contribution to the interagency Partnership for Sustainable Communities, a collaborative effort between HUD, the Department of Transportation and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Geoffrey Anderson, President and CEO of Smart Growth America, released the following statement:

“The Partnership for Sustainable Communities is one of the federal government’s most effective tools, and HUD’s crucial role in that program will be almost certainly eliminated by these cuts. If you think building homes that people can afford near jobs and schools is a sound strategy for rebuilding our economy, if you think local governments can partner to deliver service more efficiently, if you want to help communities copy other localities that have saved hundreds of millions in federal infrastructure funding, this was the program for you.

“HUD’s Sustainable Communities Initiative works to streamline policy and allows federal agencies to help communities better achieve their own goals. Not only that, but the Partnership’s work helps communities build stronger regional economies now and for generations to come. The Partnership programs are an excellent investment for American taxpayers. For all these reasons I would have liked to see the Conference Report include further funding for this important program.”

HUD’s Sustainable Communities Initiative has helped reduce transportation costs for families and improve access to jobs by supporting communities with a variety of transportation options. The Initiative has helped reduce costs for municipal governments by making use of existing infrastructure. And the Initiative has helped eliminate obstacles between the three agencies in the Partnership for Sustainable Communities, helping the federal government run better and more efficiently.

Read more about the Partnership for Sustainable Communities here.
