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The majority of pedestrian deaths occur on state-owned roadways. While the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provides funding to address this issue, state investments in transportation have largely focused on roadway expansion—often to the detriment of safe walking conditions. It’s time for that to change. Call on your state leaders to prioritize safe street design.

The number of people hit and killed while walking on U.S. roadways continues to rise. Dangerous road design is a primary contributor to these preventable deaths, and decision-makers at every level can help turn the tide.

The latest update of our Dangerous by Design report shows state-level trends in pedestrian deaths, and we found that the deadliest states in the nation for people walking have gotten even more deadly.

Governors, state legislators, and state DOTs must work together to invest in street design that prioritizes the safety of all road users over the speed of a few. Please take a few minutes to call on your state leaders to:

  • Set goals to reduce pedestrian fatalities, and work towards these goals by investing in Complete Streets, Vision Zero programs, and safe, accessible infrastructure for the most vulnerable road users.
  • Work with local communities to create safer routes on state-owned roadways, the deadliest roads in the country. This is a state and local issue, and meaningful community engagement and collaboration will be critical to avoid further unnecessary deaths.
  • Answer the federal call to go beyond the basic standards for roadway safety and accessibility. These minimum requirements are not enough to address the ever-growing danger on our roadways.

Your story matters. When you click the button below, you will have the opportunity to edit your message to your elected representatives and state DOT. We encourage you to use this action to tell your state leaders about your personal experience traveling on dangerous roadways.

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