Here in Washington, August is known for sweltering heat, the beginning of the end of summer, and Congressional staff heading out of the city as their bosses go home to their districts. August recess is a time Members of Congress use to learn about their constituents’ concerns and priorities. That provides an ideal opportunity to express the need for a federal complete streets policy and get them to co-sponsor the Complete Streets Act of 2009 (S 587/HR 1443)!
You can take advantage of your Member of Congress being back in the district to set up a meeting with them, take them on a tour of a local complete street project, or go to a town hall meeting and ask what they are doing to make your community safer and more livable for everyone using the road. We have all the tools you need on our federal page, including tips for scheduling a meeting, talking points, and information about legislation that will lead to complete streets.
Several National Complete Streets Coalition partners also have some great toolkits and resources for meeting with your Member of Congress or taking them on a project tour:
- Smart Growth America’s Advocacy Center
- Safe Routes to School National Partnership’s Toolkit for Building Congressional Champions
- League of American Bicyclists’ Advocacy Tips
We are here to help! Contact Dan Guilbeault if you have any questions or need help setting up a meeting or event. Make sure your Congressman returns to Washington a complete streets champion!