Discounted registration for 2014 LOCUS Leadership Summit now available for young professionals

LOCUS Summit 543One of the participants of the 2013 LOCUS Leadership Summit.

LOCUS is offering an exclusive opportunity to professionals in the real estate development industry under 35. For a limited time, young professionals can register for the 2014 LOCUS Leadership Summit—taking place on June 17 and 18 in Washington, DC—for the reduced rate of $175 (general registration is $450). This is a limited time offer and prices will go up May 6, 2014. Use code YNGDEV when you register for the Summit to take advantage of this great opportunity.

LOCUS, a program of Smart Growth America, is a national network of real estate developers and investors who advocate for sustainable, walkable urban development in America’s metropolitan areas. The discounted rate for young professionals has been made possible by the 2014 Summit sponsors, who believe the future of sustainable, walkable urban development is in the hands of young developers.

For the last two years, the LOCUS Leadership Summit has brought together the top real estate developers, investors in walkable/sustainable development and Washington’s thought leaders all in one place. Last year’s summit featured Matthew Yglesias, Slate Business and Economics correspondent and author of The Rent is Too Damn High: What To Do About It, And Why It Matters More Than You Think and Brandon Palanker of Renaissance Downtowns, who spoke about how developers can use social media to harness community support, along with many other speakers.

The 2014 LOCUS Leadership Summit: Closing the Next [Smart Growth] Deal promises even more top-notch speakers along with cutting edge design, planning, finance and management ideas—which you won’t get anywhere else. Learn more about this year’s summit, see the full agenda and register today.