As House unveils new tax plan, LOCUS launches Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods campaign

Since 2008, LOCUS has been fighting to align public policy with rising market demand for inclusive and sustainable, walkable urban development. From streamlining wasteful government spending on outdated real estate policies, to establishing financing for transit-oriented development (TOD), LOCUS has become a leading real estate developer coalition promoting neighborhood revitalization and walkable development.

However, our work is not complete.

Right now, Congress is considering eliminating key community development programs like New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC), Historic Preservation Tax Credits (HTC), and the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. In fact, the tax proposal released Thursday by the House Ways and Means Committee would eliminate the first two tax credits mentioned above. Read the official LOCUS statement on the draft bill here.

Community development projects almost invariably rely on federal programs like these to fill a critical financing gap, often making the difference between a go and a no-go decision for a project penciling out.

LOCUS is taking action. Today, we officially launch the Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods campaign to organize developers and investors to advocate for a federal tax and budget plan that increases private capital investment in public infrastructure, affordable housing and economic development.

The fight is not going to be easy. If we stand united today, we can bring about change. In order to be successful, we need your political and financial support. Do not sit on the sidelines.

Join our campaign and make a contribution today to ensure that every American has the option to live in a great, vibrant walkable neighborhood.