How artists can help rust belt cities thrive

wall_streetArtists and community developers are not the most obvious partners — except for how strongly both believe in the possibility of transformation.

Community Partnership for the Arts and Culture is holding Rust Belts to Artist Belt II, a conference held in Cleveland September 17th-18th, in the belief that artists and their work can affect strong change in rust belt cities, and become partners in the revitalization process:

Our national and international experts will show you how innovative thinkers are using the industrial Midwest’s unique mix of assets, including its extensive network of community development corporations, its established arts and culture sector and its multitude of vacant properties, to re-imagine the “Rust Belt” as the Artist Belt.  Our experts will address the practical considerations artists and community developers should think about when forming partnerships and undertaking their own projects.

Registration ends next Thursday, September 10th.  Click here to find out more, or to register online.
