Include Complete Streets and Safe Routes to School in your Community Transformation Grant

cdc_logoThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now accepting applications for its revolutionary Community Transformation Grants (CTG). Authorized under the new health care law, these grants will fund applicants in up to 75 jurisdictions, tribes, and territories working to reduce death and disability by instituting policy, environmental, programmatic, and infrastructure change.

We encourage you to include technical assistance from the Safe Routes to School National Partnership and the National Complete Streets Coalition in your application. Complete Streets and Safe Routes to School activities have a huge impact on community health, by changing the built environment so that it supports healthy, active living.

We are prepared to help you achieve your goals in Strategic Direction 2, Active Living and Healthy Eating, and in Strategic Direction 5, Healthy and Safe Physical Environment. The Safe Routes to School National Partnership and the National Complete Streets Coalition have extensive experience in providing technical assistance to communities and states that are implementing policy change to support healthy activity and policy, systems, and environmental changes. Both organizations are currently working on the CDC’s Communities Putting Prevention to Work program as technical assistance providers; see what the Safe Routes to School National Partnership can offer by clicking here, and what the National Complete Streets Coalition can offer by clicking here (PDF).

For more information on the Community Transformation Grants, including additional resources related to Safe Routes to School and Complete Streets, please see our guidance here (PDF).

If you are interested in assistance from either of our organizations, please contact us! We can help refine your goals and provide focus to potential activities. For Safe Routes to School, please speak with Kathy Cooke at 503-281-4930 or [email protected]. For Complete Streets, contact Stefanie Seskin at 773-270-3534 or [email protected]. Applications are due on July 15, so contact us soon.

Good luck with your proposal! We applaud the CDC for including opportunities to build safer communities for walking and bicycling through the CTG, and encourage health agencies to make the most of this important opportunity to improve physical activity and the built environment.

Complete Streets