Introducing the new LOCUS Programmatic Priorities

LOCUS, SGA’s coalition of triple-bottom-line real estate developers and investors, is proud to announce three new priorities. Created in partnership with the LOCUS steering committee, these new priorities will guide the future of LOCUS’s advocacy efforts.

Collection of three graphics showing LOCUS's new priorities: Deliver more housing near transit jobs and resources, support communities by creating access to diverse housing options and development types, and strengthen opportunities for public-private partnerships and new financing mechanisms

LOCUS is a long-time leader in advocacy efforts to advance transit-oriented development and leveraging infrastructure investment to support housing and community development. The LOCUS steering committee, whose years of industry experience delivering best-in-class walkable and transit-oriented development projects, supported the creation of a new set of programmatic priorities to guide the coalition’s future.

These new priorities are at the core of our work and push us toward LOCUS’s ultimate goal of affordable, sustainable, and equitable communities.

1. Deliver more housing near transit

Equitable, Transit-Oriented Development is at the forefront of our advocacy efforts. Integrating housing development with transit infrastructure will help communities bolster their economies and build environmental resilience, all while supporting urban growth and improving the overall quality of life for all residents.

To learn more about delivering more housing, please take a look at this REHAB Impact story. This bill created a federal tax credit to support redeveloping old (but non-historic) buildings near public transportation.

2. Support communities by creating access to diverse housing options and development types

At LOCUS, we want to see legislation that encourages mixed-use developments, affordable housing initiatives, and environmentally friendly designs that foster a vibrant and balanced environment.

Smart Growth America launched a technical assistance program to support equitable development and housing attainability in Massachusetts. This program provided community-based organizations with the resources to gain diverse, sustainable affordable housing.

3. Strengthen opportunities for public-private partnerships:

By leveraging resources and expertise from both public and private sectors, we can accelerate housing development, improve affordability, and enhance infrastructure by meeting diverse community needs through collaborative investment and management strategies.

Leveraging public-private partnerships and engaging local community partners is needed to achieve equitable TOD. Developers, policymakers, politicians, and practitioners can use this discussion guide for ideas on how to develop creative financing tools.

Take a look at our priorities page to learn more.

Land Use and Development LOCUS