Join LOCUS in Seattle next month at ULI's annual housing conference

The Urban Land Institute (ULI)’s annual housing conference brings together housing professionals from across the country to discuss current challenges and opportunities for supporting a full spectrum of housing choices in cities and suburbs increasingly challenged by the new economy.

Joining the discussion at this year’s conference is LOCUS: Responsible Real Estate Developers and Investors. LOCUS Managing Director Christopher Coes and Steering Committee member John Hempelmann, of Seattle-based business law firm Cairncross & Hempelmann, will join a panel discussion at the conference about federal involvement in real estate and how it might be reformed.

Our recent report Federal Involvement in Real Estate: A call for examination explains that the federal government spends or commits approximately $450 billion each year to real estate programs. As Congress debates a variety of proposals to reduce the national debt, popular real estate programs may be on the negotiating table.

If you are planning to attend the ULI conference, join this discussion about how key policy reforms and recommendations can reduce this enormous price tag and align public policy to meet market demands for housing in walkable, sustainable developments across the country at 1:30 PM PST on Thursday, March 21, 2013.

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Local Leaders Council LOCUS