Join Smart Growth America at the Solutions for Sustainable Communities conference in September

State and local leaders are looking for more efficient ways of utilizing existing resources to achieve their housing, transportation and environmental goals. The National Housing Conference’s Solutions for Sustainable Communities, Septmber 26-28, 2011 in Washington, DC, will arm practitioners and policymakers with the best available information on how to work collaboratively and creatively to develop more sustainable and inclusive communities while reducing overall government costs.

  • Find out how states and localities are using existing resources to enhance efficiency, stretch available funds, reduce overall government costs and achieve their housing, transportation and environmental goals.
  • Hear the latest from officials at HUD, DOT and EPA, all participants in the Federal Interagency Partnership for Sustainable Communities.
  • Learn how to quantify benefits of green jobs that provide high-wage, long-term employment and reduce traffic congestion and commute times.

Solutions for Sustainable Communities will appeal to a diverse group of practitioners working at the state and local level, including elected and appointed officials, urban and regional planners, developers, affordable housing advocates, smart growth and sustainability experts, environmentalists, transportation planning specialists, lenders and many others. Through hands-on networking and information sharing, attendees will take home proven solutions that have helped other communities stretch scarce resources.

For more information and to register, visit

Photo via Flickr.
