Join the National Complete Streets Coalition at the 2013 National Walking Summit

Walking Summit
Complete Streets features make this street in Bellingham, WA safer and more accessible for pedestrians. Photo by Walkable Communities, via Flickr.

In early October, the National Complete Streets Coalition, a program of Smart Growth America, will be at the National Walking Summit here in Washington, D.C., sharing information and skills for successful Complete Streets policy and implementation with the many other national and local leaders in attendance.

Walking is the most basic form of travel, an easy way to be physically active and a powerful tool for economic and social well-being of our communities. The Coalition works to improve safety and access to community destinations for people who travel by foot, as well as by wheelchair, bicycle, public transportation, or automobile.

On the Summit’s opening day, October 1, join our 4:00 PM session “Completing Our Streets: Policy and Advocacy Tools to Get You Moving.” Laura Searfoss, our Policy Associate, will open the session with the basics on Complete Streets policy: What makes a good Complete Streets policy? Who has one already? Why does any community even need one?

Then you’ll hear from Zia Brucaya of the Indiana Complete Streets Campaign. Her coalition of supporters was behind the successful adoption of Indianapolis’ Complete Streets ordinance last year—the year’s best written adopted policy. She will discuss who’s involved in Indiana, how they work together, and the activities and messages that were key to their campaign’s success.

Following her, Joan Cooke of the Marion County, Indiana Public Health Department will update us on the work happening in Indianapolis since that ordinance’s adoption. How and why has public health been involved? What implementation activities are they undertaking? What’s next?

Though informative, these presentations will also be concise. Participants will put that information to work in small group discussions as they consider how to launch their own effective Complete streets campaigns. We’ll think through visions, key partners, and important messengers. With worksheets and take-home information, you won’t want to miss this session.

Intrigued? There’s still plenty of time to register for the National Walking Summit. In addition to all the Complete Streets campaign goodness, we’re also leading sessions on emerging research on the economic benefits of walkability and how a Complete Streets workshop can take your community to the next level. You also will be able to learn about successful Safe Routes to School programs, best practices in making walking easy and fun in your community and workplace, and more. Check out the agenda and register online today.

Complete Streets