Program Schedule

November 17, 2020 | 4pm EST / 3pm CST – Town Square: Learning Journeys Networking Session >>

December 8, 2020 | 10am EST / 9am CST– Participatory Placemaking >>
How can we turn spaces into places that are attractive, safe, and accessible for everyone in the community? In this session, we will explore a few different approaches to placemaking and define what “participatory” means in this particular context. We will also learn about how placemaking relates to different elements of social life and think about how each participant can integrate placemaking practices as a strategy to advance their work. 
Guest speaker: Jamie Bennett, Executive Director at ArtPlace America

December 15, 2020 | 4pm EST / 3pm CST – Learning Journeys Happy Hour: Weather Edition >>
An informal conversation about keeping public spaces active in various weather conditions.

January 5, 2021 | 10am EST / 9am CST – Virtual Community Engagement >>
This session is focused on providing local leaders, developers, and advocates with tools and examples for every stage of community engagement -including outreach, research and education, involvement, collaboration, and long-term shared leadership- to keep our communities moving forward during times of Covid-19. We will explore tools and techniques for virtual engagement and discuss some of the equity considerations that must fundamentally guide the community engagement process. 

January 2021 | date & time TBD – Delegation Strategy Sessions

March 2, 2021 | 10am EST / 9am CST – Place Governance >>  
In this session, we will examine the role of public administration, private parties, and third sector organizations in the management of different types of public places. We will discuss dynamics of interdependence and collaboration among stakeholders, explore some techniques to foster coordination and collaboration among parties within the governance structure, and talk about the importance of relying on a cohesive stakeholder engagement plan to maximize the benefits of placemaking including different funding models. 

March 2021 | date & time TBD – Delegation Strategy Sessions

TBD, 2021 | 4pm EST / 3pm CST – Recalibration Roundtable >>