A map of LOCUS around the country

As a national coalition of leading real estate developers and investors, LOCUS represents smart growth professionals from major metropolitan areas from around the nation.

Use this interactive map to learn more about LOCUS’ strong national presence:

LOCUS is represented in several major cities, including:

  • Washington, DC
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • New York City, NY
  • Boston, MA
  • Chicago, IL
  • Detroit, MI
  • New Orleans, LA
  • Atlanta, GA
  • Dallas, TX
  • San Francisco, CA

Plus many more metropolitan areas.

Our national coalition provides the unique opportunity for developers and investors from around the country to come together and swap ideas during networking events such as LOCUS Leadership Summits, Linkups, and other deal-making events.

Members also have the opportunity to meet and exchange information through our online member directory.

Interested in joining our national coalition and connecting with smart growth professionals from across the country? Join LOCUS today!