New video: Aging in place with Complete Streets

A common misconception about investments that support walking, biking, rolling, and public transit is that the demand for these initiatives is limited to urban communities. Our new video, made in partnership with AARP, tells the story of Saco, Maine and how they’ve created greater connectivity for residents of all ages in Saco.

Complete Streets create an environment that makes it more convenient for people to easily access essential services, socialize with friends and family, and stay physically active. Features like wider sidewalks, safer crosswalks, and better lighting create a welcoming environment that encourages walking and social interaction, which are vital for mental and physical well-being. With reliable and safe transportation options, residents of all ages are able to participate in community activities, access healthcare, and enjoy local amenities. This not only improves their health and happiness but also fosters a sense of belonging and community connection, all while being able to age in place.

“The need for safe and accessible streets is vital in order to foster a livable community, particularly for small towns and rural areas. Complete streets can be a lifeline for older adults and other populations who live in communities with dangerous high-speed streets without sidewalks or pedestrian crossings. By implementing Complete Streets nationwide, we can ensure the health and safety of those most vulnerable while also providing more access to jobs, groceries, health care, education and other everyday destinations.” -Tim Morstad, Government Affairs Director for AARP Livable Communities

Learn more about the benefits of Complete Streets in this story map.

Watch this video for more insight into the strategies The City of Saco has implemented to provide safe and reliable transportation options for all.

This video was developed with support from AARP. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of AARP.

Complete Streets Transportation