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Seneca Falls Ped Crossing, originally uploaded by faceless b. Photo credit: EPA Smart Growth. |
A new day is dawning in New York. On August 30, Governor Paterson signed New York State’s exciting smart growth infrastructure act into law.
“The Smart Growth Public Infrastructure Policy Act has helped to propel New York to the front of the line among states who are working toward more sustainable development. Reforms like this don’t happen every day — this law marks a real victory for New York. The taxpayers of New York will reap the benefits of more cost effective, fiscally prudent, environmentally friendly growth,” explains SGA President and CEO Geoff Anderson.
As Governor Paterson’s press release details, the act:
…establishes Smart Growth criteria in State law, requires several State agencies to create Smart Growth Advisory Committees that would evaluate public infrastructure investments based on the Smart Growth criteria, and requires such infrastructure investments, to the extent practicable, to meet the criteria.
“An investment in smart, sustainable growth is an investment in the long-term fiscal, economic and environmental sustainability of the State,” Governor Paterson said. “At a time when I’ve been putting all State spending under a microscope, this bill will promote fiscally sound and economically beneficial investments of taxpayer dollars that will help New York survive and thrive in the New Economy.”
Smart Growth America congratulates New York on leading the nation toward more fiscally prudent use of its infrastructure funding. We look forward to seeing the smart growth criteria applied and hope to elevate this act as a model for other states across the country.
For more information on the Smart Growth Public Infrastructure Policy Act, see this blog post from Rayla Bellis at SGA.