A directive to help communities “get it right” when it comes to Complete Streets policy advocacy, development, and implementation has guided many of the Coalition’s activities.
Almost four years ago, we launched our Complete Streets Workshop series in collaboration with the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals. Through this collaboration, we have been able to visit dozens of communities, helping them to build local capacity for a Complete Streets approach. We also develop fact sheets and reports, partner with other organizations on research, and provide one-on-one help via email and phone.
We are always looking for new ways to expand our reach, so we’re excited to be part of several initiatives that will connect us with communities — maybe even yours! — who are ready to apply Complete Streets solutions.
With help from the U.S. EPA’s Office of Sustainable Communities, we’re able to partner with Smart Growth America to bring one of our workshops to your community — for free. Smart Growth America is providing free technical assistance to help communities grow in ways that benefit families and businesses while protecting the environment and preserving a sense of place. Any unit or subdivision of local, tribal or regional government is eligible to apply for a one- or two-day workshop from the twelve available. Smart Growth America is hosting a free webinar about the program next Wednesday, October 12, at 10:00 pm ET. Applications are due October 26.
We’re also thrilled to continue our great relationship with the public health community. We are currently working through the CDC’s Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) program to support Complete Streets policy adoption and implementation in communities from Baldwin Park, CA to Birmingham, AL. If your community is participating in this program, we offer you a range of activities, including our successful workshop series, to help achieve your Complete Streets goals.
While the CPPW program will end in a few months, we recently heard that we will be providing assistance through a new CDC program, Community Transformation Grants. This program, which has awarded approximately $103 million in 36 states, is just getting underway, so check back soon for details on how we can work together.