Our brand new Champions Corner is a one-stop shop of resources for local elected officials, decision makers, and stakeholders who want to build Complete Streets and improve access to activity-friendly routes to everyday destinations in their communities.

In our new Active People, Healthy Nation℠ Champions Institute, a hand-picked group of 21 local elected officials are learning to effectively advocate for and support safer and more Complete Streets through an intensive curriculum and practical training. But the best part of this new Institute is that anyone can learn how to become a champion for Complete Streets with this curated set of resources here in a companion portal called the Champions Corner.
In the Champions Corner, folks with all levels of Complete Streets expertise can find helpful tools to expand their understanding of Complete Streets policies, procedures, and design, as they build more equitable and sustainable places.
The Champions Corner includes the latest research and reports from Smart Growth America and the National Complete Streets Coalition, as well as opportunities to engage with other Complete Streets Champions through the CDC’s Active People Health Nation℠ initiative.

In the Champions Corner, you’ll find entry-level explainers, information about which communities have adopted Complete Streets policies, detailed model policy language, and original reports on specific benefits of encouraging active transportation.
For those who already have more sophisticated knowledge about or experience with Complete Streets, the Champions Corner includes distance learning modules to take your knowledge of Complete Streets and land use policies to the next level, as well as fact sheets that visually demonstrate the value of Complete Streets in a variety of settings and to diverse constituencies. The Champions Corner gives you access to model policy language and effective policies adopted in other communities that you can use as a starting point for policies in your community, with explanations for why each policy was successful.
Learn how to become a champion for safer, more equitable streets in your community—visit the Champions Corner!

Active People, Healthy Nation is a national initiative led by the CDC to help 27 million Americans become more physically active by 2027. Learn more here.