Partnership in the News: Granite State Future ramps up community engagement outreach

Nine of New Hampshire’s planning commissions coordinated together to apply for a Regional Planning grant from the U.S. Office of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). They won a $3.37 million grant to coordinate their planning efforts for the state’s future, forming Granite State Future.

One of the first truly state-wide planning efforts, Granite State represents the desire for people across the state to work together to solve regional issues and ensure economic vitality and a better quality of life for all. Part of the effort involves a robust online community engagement effort.

“The foundation of this plan is what people want in their communities,” says project manager Jeff Belanger, “We want all views represented.”

The next step for the project is to put together their online data and proceed to public meetings to present ideas before communities across the state. They hope to be finished before the grant ends in 2015.

To read more, visit Nashua Patch.
