About the Coalition
The National Brownfields Coalition is a unique, non-partisan alliance that advocates for policy change and funding to responsibly clean up and reuse underutilized or environmentally-impacted land. We educate, advocate, and convene stakeholders nationally to advance brownfields redevelopment and thriving communities.
Read more about the Coalition here.
Our Team
The National Brownfields Coalition is jointly managed by Smart Growth America and the Center for Creative Land Recycling.

Our Work
The Coalition raises awareness about, as well as develops and advocates for policies and practices that support the remediation and redevelopment of brownfields nationwide. The Coalition pursues collaborative efforts that:
- Advocates for federal legislation that authorizes and funds brownfields cleanup and redevelopment like, The Brownfields Utilization, Investment and Local Development Act (BUILD Act) and the 2015 Brownfields Federal Tax Incentive Reauthorization Act (read the case study report);
- Supports the improvement of federal environmental liability regulations;
- Produces best in class research that highlights best practices and lessons learned in brownfield redevelopment, and;
- Convenes national leaders in brownfield cleanup and reuse regularly to increase their expertise, leadership, and relationships on important brownfield policy topics.
The following committees have been formed to meet the goals of the National Brownfields Coalition:
- Advocacy and Outreach Committee
- Policy Committee
- Education and Membership Committee
- Environmental Justice and Public Health Committee
Our Members
Members of the National Brownfields Coalition inform Coalition strategy, collaborate on Coalition projects, and help make the case for brownfield cleanup and redevelopment nationwide. They are experts in building healthy, successful communities and improving policies and practices at the national level.