Our Partners / Join

The National Complete Streets Coalition is a broad collection of advocates and transportation professionals working to enact Complete Streets policies across the country.

Join as a partner

We invite current and future members to pledge their support for the coalition’s mission, values, and outcomes we’re working to achieve. Let us know that you’re on board to support our efforts to integrate people and place in the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of transportation networks by filling out this form!

Our Steering Committee

The Coalition’s steering committee is made up of our Complete Streets Benefactors and Platinum Partners.

Read about the Steering Committee groups and organizations

Complete Streets Benefactors

AARP logo
American Public Transportation Association
3M - Science. Applied to Life

Platinum partners

Silver Partners

Logo of Lime. On the left is a neon green graphic of a slice of lime. On the right reads "Lime".

Bronze Partners

Individual partners

Billy Hattaway / Fehr and Peers

Abraham Odrezin/AO Studio

Charles Brown, on behalf of Rutgers University

Emiko Atherton

Roger Millar

Randy Neufeld

Join as a partner