The 2019 Federal Financing Toolkit

The programs outlined in the 2019 LOCUS Federal Financing Toolkit could be the key to making your community’s next project a reality. From urban to suburban and rural development projects, the toolkit will help you determine the most appropriate federal financing programs, advance your next smart growth project, and create new business opportunities across the country.

Download the 2019 LOCUS Federal Financing Toolkit

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Demand for walkable places remains high

Demand for walkable places remains high

Over the weekend, the Washington Post published a story titled “Why so many Americans prefer sprawl to walkable neighborhoods.” If the headline doesn’t make you raise your eyebrow, then the author’s reasoning certainly will: Citing a recent survey from Pew, the article discusses why people may prefer sprawl (and the big houses and longer commutes … Continued

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Equity Forum: Centering community to prevent displacement

Equity Forum: Centering community to prevent displacement

Join us on Thursday, December 12 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. for our Equity Forum: Centering community to prevent displacement. The event will feature Sheila Somashekhar from the Purple Line Corridor Coalition, participants from SGA’s Community Connectors and Healing our Highways programs, and partners with ICF and Partnership for Southern Equity, who will present a new resource … Continued

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