LOCUS Priorities

LOCUS is a leader in advancing transit-oriented development and leveraging infrastructure investment to support housing and community development. In order to help us advance our work, we have adopted a new set of programmatic priorities. These three values are at the core of the work LOCUS has done and will continue to guide us in … Continued

Quick-build demonstration projects

Quick-build demonstration projects are temporary installations to test new street design improvements that improve safety and accessibility They can be used to explore how a community might slow speeds, create new connections, or encourage more walking and biking. They give space for practitioners to test new ideas and innovative best practices. They’re a great way … Continued

Transportation Artists in Residence Report

Transportation Artists in Residence: A Landscape of an Emerging Field In 2018 Smart Growth America launched the concept of artists-in-residence in state transportation agencies with leaders of the Minnesota and Washington State Departments of Transportation (MnDOT and WSDOT). The goal of this program was to use a creative approach to advance the agencies’ goals to … Continued

Read our report on divisive infrastructure

Beginning in the 1950s, highways devastated communities of color and changed our cities forever. But the consequences continue, even as we begin to acknowledge our past mistakes. Why? Our new report examines the racist roots of our current transportation system, revealing that flawed thinking continues to haunt our policies and practices. Without a fundamental change … Continued

Community Connectors Projects

Community Connectors is a grant program to support small and mid-sized cities in repairing the damage of divisive infrastructure through capacity-building grants and technical support. The program is led by Smart Growth America in collaboration with Equitable Cities, the New Urban Mobility Alliance, and America Walks. Community Connectors is supported by the Robert Wood Johnson … Continued

About and methodology

About this report This report was released in July 2023. This project was conducted under the leadership of Calvin Gladney, president and CEO of Smart Growth America, and Beth Osborne, vice president of transportation. Abigail Grimminger, communications manager, was the primary author of this report, with additional contributions from Stephen Kenny, policy associate. Atlanta and … Continued

III: Recommendations

As Part I shows, intentional decisions were made to divide and harm communities of color. And as Part II shows, the overt racism of the early interstate age may no longer exist in the same form, but our standards and measures and models are failing to fix that damage, and often make it worse. This … Continued

II: Today’s inequities

How today’s policies and decisions inflict damage and perpetuate past harms The transportation or land-use professionals and policymakers practicing today are not the ones responsible for the mistakes made decades ago, nor for the racial inequities that were literally built into our communities. But two other things are also true: First, the problems created by … Continued