Register for “Innovation in Complete Streets Infrastructure” webinar

The National Complete Streets Coalition continues our webinar series on implementation and equity this month with local officials discussing their innovative approaches to implementing Complete Streets. Join us each month for a new topic related to creating safer, healthier, more equitable streets. 

On Thursday, September 27, 2018 at 4pm EDT we’ll be hosting our next webinar—Innovation in Complete Streets Infrastructure.

Over 1,300 communities have adopted Complete Streets policies. However, the day-to-day decisions that transportation agencies and community leaders make in funding, planning, design, maintenance, and operations are how polices are translated into smart implementation. That’s why we are excited to host two leaders in Complete Streets who are working on projects that are pushing the needle on implementation.

Dongho Chang, City Traffic Engineer for Seattle’s Department of Transportation will share a policy framework for growth in Seattle and examples of how Complete Streets projects are pushing the boundaries on implementation and equity for one of the fastest growing cities in the nation.

Fred Dock, Director of Transportation in Pasadena, CA will describe the city’s innovative effort to implement Complete Streets using smart metrics and improved operations.

The webinar will conclude with a Q&A and closed captioning services will be provided.

Register for the webinar

This conversation comes as we prepare for our flagship report, Dangerous by Design 2018, where we look at how poor design across the country is affecting pedestrian safety. You can help support this research based approach to the problem by donating to Dangerous by Design 2018.

Have a question about this topic you’d like us to explore during the event? Email it to us ahead of time at [email protected], or message us on Twitter at @completestreets.


Advocacy Complete Streets Events