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Complete Streets + COVID-19
Across the country, communities and people have been adapting to life amidst COVID-19.
The National Complete Streets Coalition is committed to advancing transportation systems that provide safe access for all users of all ages and abilities. We want to share and uplift strategies communities are using to respond to the unique circumstances brought on by this pandemic. We believe the following resources provide the best coverage of community responses to the crisis, and useful resources for decision makers and stakeholders hoping to move their communities forward.
COVID Morbidity Works has a robust tracker, with over 540 entries from 245 cities covering a range changes to the built environment, policies, procedures, pricing, and public outreach.
NACTO’s COVID-19: Transportation Response Center is an up-to date resource for city transportation staff, officials, and leaders during COVID-19. The page serves as a launching point for resources on rapid response measures, safe streets programs, implementation tools, and more!
Additional transportation + COVID-19 resources:
What other resources should we include on this list? Let us know at [email protected].
- COVID-19: Local Action Tracker – Resource from the National League of Cities and Bloomberg Philanthropies tracking actions taken by local leaders in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- COVID19 Livable Streets Response Strategies – Spreadsheet from Mike Lydon tracking open streets.
- COVID-19 Resources for ASLA Members – Compilation of COVID-19 resources from the American Society of Landscape Architects.
- COVID-19: The Public Realm – Collaborative Google Photos album for collecting and sharing photos of streets and cities during COVID-19.
- Implementing New COVID-19 Policies for People with Disabilities – Memo from several national organizations representing people with disabilities providing recommendations to transportation operators.
- Local Actions to Support Walking and Cycling During Social Distancing Dataset – Resource from PedBike Info Center covering immediate community actions related to public space and COVID-19.
- Principles For Equitable Public Outreach & Engagement During COVID-19 and Beyond – Resource from NelsonNygaard on community engagement.
- Mobility Justice and COVID-19 – Resource from the Untokening Collective outlining reflections and recommendations for mobility justice in COVID-19.
- Rails to Trails Advocacy toolkit – If you are interested in creating more safe spaces to walk, bike and be active in your neighborhood, here are tips and resources to support local resident advocacy as well as planning efforts led by local officials and planners from the Rails to Trails Conservancy.
- Tactical Urbanist’s Guide to Materials and Design – Guide from Streets Plan Collaborative on tactical urbanism.
- The Transit App – A feature to help users avoid crowds while on buses and trains.
- Tips on replacing a stakeholder or public meeting with an online forum – Resource from Toole Design’s on virtual engagement.
The CDC released the following guidance documents for transit workers and operators.
- What Transit Station Workers Need to Know About COVID-19
- What Transit Maintenance Workers Need to Know About COVID-19
- What Rail Transit Operators Need to Know About COVID-19
- What Bus Transit Operators Need to Know About COVID-19
Earlier in the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Complete Streets Coalition maintained an ongoing map that showed community responses to the crisis. The resource contained nearly 200 entries from cities across America and the globe related to Complete Streets and complete communities. Each action was sorted into one of the following categories:
- Open streets
- Micromobility
- Curbside management
- Emergency bicycle or pedestrian policy
- Transit operation*
- Community engagement**
- Advocacy campaign**
- Other
** Community Engagement and Advocacy Campaign fall under “other” as the map only itemizes the top five categories.