Publication Date
December 2012
Resource Type
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Leveraging State Agency Involvement in Transit-Oriented Development to Strengthen Hawaii’s Economy
This report recommends ways that Hawaii state agencies can leverage transit-oriented development (TOD) to maximize benefits to the State of Hawaii and, by extension, the people of Hawaii. The recommendations were developed through a series of meetings of the Project Stakeholder Group, which consisted of representatives from over 40 organizations, including government, private sector, and nonprofit organizations. Over the course of three meetings and review of multiple working documents, the group discussed the meaning and importance of TOD in the context of Hawaii, the role of state agencies in TOD, and strategies to take advantage of new TOD opportunities. The major findings are summarized below.
- The State of Hawaii has a strong tradition of stewardship as expressed through the Hawaii State Planning Act (HRS Chapter 226). Governor Abercrombie’s New Day Plan builds upon this tradition with continued focus on using existing resources more effectively to build a stronger economy and improve quality of life for the people of Hawaii.
- TOD is a key tool that can assist in implementing the State Planning Act and the New Day Plan, resulting in a wide range of social, environmental, and economic benefits. TOD is a means of implementing “smart growth” development patterns that support quality of life, preserve the natural environment, provide a range of housing choices for residents, and encourage walking, biking, and mass transit.
- The State has a wide range of opportunities to be a leader in encouraging TOD in its roles as a major property owner, employer, and service provider.
- The State also has an important role to play in overcoming barriers to TOD, including encouraging needed investments in infrastructure in areas served by transit and promoting affordable housing investments in locations with good transit access.
The Project Stakeholder Group identified four main recommendations for the Governor, described in detail in the report:
- Issue a State of Hawaii executive policy identifying TOD as a priority for implementing smart growth in the New Day Plan.
- Identify a lead agency within state government to advance TOD, including identifying a cluster of state agencies whose mission would most directly relate to TOD implementation.
- Prioritize state-owned properties and assets within areas served by transit to understand sustainable development potential or the need to preserve existing uses located on environmentally and culturally sensitive lands.
- Target resources to support TOD and walkable, bicycle-friendly smart growth communities.