Publication Date
May 2012
Resource Type
DOT Innovation in Oregon
This report was created as part of our DOT Innovation work in the state of Oregon. Read more about the project ››
Oregon Non-Roadway Transportation Funding Options
The State of Oregon faces major challenges to providing adequate and stable funding for non-roadway transportation modes. These systems include transit, freight and passenger rail, ports, aviation, bicycle paths and facilities, and pedestrian ways. Funding these non-roadway transportation modes has always been difficult in Oregon given that constitutional restrictions limit motor vehicle fees and taxes exclusively to roadways, and the absence of State sales tax, which is a primary source of transportation funding in many other states.
Recognizing these chalenges and the importance of a truly multi-modal transportation system to the State’s economy and quality of life, Governor John Kitzhaber convened the Oregon Non-Roadway Transportation Funding Working Group in November 2011. The purpose of the Working Group effort was to engage elected officials, transportation providers, and other public and private sector stakeholders in a consensus-driven process focused upon the development and implementation of dedicated funding for non-roadway transportation projects and programs. This report presents the results of this effort and the related research and analysis supporting it.