Publication Date
March 2015
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Revising the Vermont State Standards (M2D2)
VTrans, in partnership with Smart Growth America, has unveiled a work program for revising the Vermont State Standards, which provide VTrans staff and other partners with direction in designing roadway transportation projects.
Revising the Vermont State Standards; M2D2: Multimodal Development and Delivery identifies specific modifications to the Vermont State Standards, recommends changes to other related VTrans guidelines and policies, and presents an implementation plan and schedule for conducting the revisions. The new revisions will help VTrans keep pace with the state of the practice in highway engineering and better meet and balance the diverse needs of Vermont residents and communities.
“An enormous amount of our work is influenced by the Vermont State Standards,” said Vermont Transportation Secretary Sue Minter. “Updating these standards will help the work of the entire Agency be more efficient and more effective. The recommended revisions were informed by some of the most innovative transportation agencies in the country. This work program will help guide our design decisions as we face new challenges in the coming decades.”
VTrans and Smart Growth America developed the work program in the report through an extensive stakeholder process that brought together VTrans design and planning professionals with external partners and customers including businesses, municipalities, regional planning commissions, trucking, transit and active transportation advocates, and other state agencies. Smart Growth America facilitated the process and prepared the report, incorporating best practices in transportation design from around the country.