Publication Date
October 2013
Resource Type
Learn more about LOCUS
LOCUS is Smart Growth America's coalition of responsible real estate developers and investors. Learn more about their work ››
The WalkUP Wake-Up Call: Atlanta
Walkable urban development is now the primary real estate market in one of the nation’s most unlikely regions: metropolitan Atlanta, GA. The WalkUP Wake-Up Call: Atlanta, authored by Christopher Leinberger, President of Smart Growth America’s LOCUS coalition of real estate developers and investors, and published by The George Washington University School of Business, finds that walkable urban development represents a growing share of new development in the Atlanta region. These neighborhoods are popular: WalkUPs occupy only 1/200th of metro Atlanta’s land area but account for 20 percent of the region’s office, retail and other commercial property. And they command a premium: the average rent in WalkUPs in Atlanta is 112% higher than drivable suburban real estate.