Senate’s vote on bi-partisan transportation bill tomorrow crucial for economic development, great neighborhoods

Smart Growth America lauds latest draft of surface transportation authorization MAP-21, pushes for successful cloture vote Tuesday

WASHINGTON DC — The newest version of the Senate transportation bill, presented by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) with bi-partisan support, includes key provisions that preserve existing infrastructure, grow the economy and improve the mobility of all Americans.

“Senators have shown real leadership in crafting a bi-partisan transportation bill supplemented with thoughtful amendments,” says Geoffrey Anderson, President and CEO of Smart Growth America. “In a time when many citizens are increasingly skeptical about the ability of Washington to play a meaningful role in creating jobs and restoring American prosperity, MAP-21 represents a real step forward.”

The Senate will hold a cloture vote on the transportation authorization tomorrow, March 6. Smart Growth America strongly endorses MAP-21 and looks forward to working with the Senate further as the bill moves forward.

“It’s a no-brainer to heed Majority Leader Reid’s call for cloture,” Anderson says. “Now is the time to invest in our future and to ensure the long-term viability of our nation’s transportation system.”
