Smart Growth Network

The Smart Growth Network (SGN) is a national alliance of advocates, practitioners, policymakers, and local leaders working towards a shared vision for land use and infrastructure policies and actions that result in healthy, sustainable, equitable, and prosperous communities for all.

The SGN aims to:

  • Build a stronger constituency for smart growth policies, including continuing to expand this constituency beyond national-level organizations to local practitioners;
  • Provide a space that organizations and local governments can look to for information on smart growth policies and the latest research; and
  • Provide spaces for smart growth practitioners at all levels (national, local) to share best practices, learn from one another, and build off each other’s work.

Our history

Since its creation in late 1996, SGN has become an essential destination for planners, practitioners, and advocates to access information about smart growth-related news, events, information, research, presentations, and publications.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is one of the founding partners of the network.


Quarterly discussions

Throughout the year, SGN hosts quarterly meetings to engage all members in dialogue and provide a space to share and elevate emerging ideas, national research and best practices from around the country. Previous topics have included transportation, capacity building and zoning reform.

Catch up on previous quarterly meetings:


Governing principles

The SGN is coordinated by a Steering Committee comprised of representatives from government agencies, national nonprofits, academia, and other organizations working to further smart growth strategies. The Steering Committee meets regularly to set the priorities for the network, plan for quarterly discussions, and explore opportunities for collaboration amongst members. The Steering Committee welcomes organizational representatives working on aligned topics to join the conversation.