House THUD Appropriations bill boosts FY19 funding for transportation, housing, and community development programs

This week, the House Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies subcommittee released the text of its FY19 appropriations bill, which allocates funding for the U.S. Departments of Transportation (DOT), Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and other related agencies through September 30th, 2019.


Why I’m a part of the Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods campaign: Pres Kabacoff

Pres Kabacoff, co-founder and Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors of HRI Properties, shares more about his experience as a member of LOCUS’ Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods campaign. Pres discusses the campaign’s work influencing recent federal legislation, upcoming opportunities for action, and more.


Join LOCUS for the launch of the 2018 Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods campaign

With the potential of major legislative changes ahead, LOCUS is seizing this unique opportunity to shape federal and local policy and direct funding to support walkable urban neighborhoods across America. We invite you to learn more about our Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods campaign during an interactive webinar on Wednesday, February 21st from 2:00 to 3:00 PM.


State groups from across the country take the smart growth message to Capitol Hill

Smart Growth America and the Coalition for Smarter Growth, our local DC regional partner, welcomed thirty other state and regional smart growth organizations from around the country to Washington, DC this week for their annual meeting, including a day of meetings with their legislators to encourage them to pass smart federal policies to support their efforts to build strong communities.


Senate Appropriations Committee Bill Protects Transit, TIGER and Community Development Programs

Yesterday, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved the fiscal year 2018 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill. The bipartisan bill makes investments in infrastructure, provides funding for economic development projects, and helps to meet the housing needs of the nation’s most vulnerable individuals and families. The bill reflects a total allocation of … Continued

LOCUS Transportation Uncategorized

The WalkUP Wake-Up Call: New York

Despite the demand for walkable urban places in New York, most real estate investment has been in the region’s core rather than in creating new walkable urban places or growing the region’s rail-served town centers. This represents a lost economic opportunity, and presents a real danger of a substantial affordable housing crisis if efforts to balance the region are not taken.

Advocacy LOCUS