Smart Growth Means Accessibility: SGA Attends Disability Economic Justice Collaborative Anniversary Celebration

Inaccessibility in society often means that disabled people simply don’t have the same opportunities as their non-disabled counterparts. Barriers make something as simple as leaving the house difficult, and sometimes impossible; often leaving disabled people cut off from society. Despite being more likely to rely on public transportation, one of the biggest mobility challenges cited … Continued


Request for Proposals: Complete Streets videos

Smart Growth America (SGA) is seeking an experienced videographer to create two videos (one 1-5 minute video, and one 30-60 second short) focusing on the history of Complete Streets work in Wenatchee, WA since passing their Complete Streets policy in 2016. SGA and the National Complete Streets Coalition provide support, advocacy, and technical assistance for … Continued

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2023 Complete Streets Dinner: Celebrating progress toward safer communities

  On Tuesday, January 10, 2023, Smart Growth America hosted the 11th annual Complete Streets Dinner to celebrate the work of the National Complete Streets Coalition, a program of Smart Growth America that works to create safer, more complete streets and communities. Speakers included SGA President and CEO Calvin Gladney, representatives from sponsor organizations, and … Continued

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