Working to ensure that Opportunity Zones are a force for good in your community

With the creation of a new national academy for Opportunity Zones, Smart Growth America and our LOCUS coalition of responsible real estate investors continue to be on the forefront of helping communities use this tax incentive as a force for equitable growth that’s mutually beneficial for both investors and most importantly the people who live and do business in them. 

Economic development LOCUS Technical assistance

“We have a wonderful downtown, but it is still underutilized”

As we travel the country, there are few things better than witnessing an elected official have an “a-ha” moment and realize that the conventional wisdom they’ve been handed down about growth and development perhaps wasn’t actually the best wisdom after all.

Economic development Rural Development Technical assistance

How one city is priming itself for Opportunity Zone investment

How does a city make sure it’s ready for investment? A question weighing on many municipal minds is how to organize planning, economic development strategies, and zoning regulations to make it clear to residents, developers, and investors that this is the right place to be. Further, how does a community encourage investment without sacrificing the characteristics that make it an attractive community to its residents?


An Alabama city grapples with its development decisions

Atmore—a rural city in southern Alabama—is poised to make some key land use decisions that will have a great impact on both its long-term economic prosperity and its fiscal health. To grapple with these choices, the city partnered with Smart Growth America to gain a better understand their impact.

Economic development Rural Development Technical assistance

Sprawl or smart growth: the future of Opportunity Zones

The newly created Opportunity Zones program will likely go down as the largest and most significant federal community development initiative in U.S. history, with trillions of dollars in new private investment about to start flowing into pre-designated low-income communities around the country.

Advocacy Economic development LOCUS

Showcase a development opportunity at the 2018 LOCUS New England Leadership Summit

The first ever New England Development and Investment Showcase is a space for anyone with challenging development opportunities to exhibit their project sites to a diverse group of real estate and economic development industry insiders at the 2018 LOCUS New England Leadership Summit.


Massachusetts Secretary of Housing and Economic Development to speak at 2018 LOCUS New England Leadership Summit

LOCUS and LOCUS Massachusetts are pleased to announce Jay Ash, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as the morning keynote speaker during the 2018 LOCUS New England Leadership Summit, happening October 24, 2018 in Boston, Massachusetts.


Six communities to receive assistance on small-scale manufacturing and neighborhood revitalization

Today, Smart Growth America announced the selection of six communities that will receive technical assistance in using small-scale manufacturing as a strategy to create economic opportunity, boost the prospects of Main Street, and build great places. This assistance is made possible through funding from the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA).

Economic development Technical assistance