2025 Equity Summit Keynote Speaker: Jerusalem Demsas

We’re thrilled to announce Jerusalem Demsas, staff writer at The Atlantic and thought leader on housing, urban policy, and economic equity, as the keynote speaker for the 2025 Equity Summit. Jerusalem is known for her ability to connect policy with real-world impact, and her writing deftly sheds light on the challenges and opportunities in creating … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity

Equity Forum: Centering community to prevent displacement

Join us on Thursday, December 12 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. for our Equity Forum: Centering community to prevent displacement. The event will feature Sheila Somashekhar from the Purple Line Corridor Coalition, participants from SGA’s Community Connectors and Healing our Highways programs, and partners with ICF and Partnership for Southern Equity, who will present a new resource … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity Events

Equity Summit: Day 1 Workshops

Day 1 | 4:00-4:55 p.m. At the Equity Summit, we’ve invited partner organizations to lead workshop sessions to examine real-world equity implications in planning. Join the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, CityFi, and Center for Creative Land Recycling for engaging and interactive discussions to move what we hear at the Summit into practice. Check out the … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity

Equitable infrastructure to bridge divides

Divisive infrastructure has had long-term damage, both tangible and intangible, on Black and Brown communities. While we are beginning to see policies, programs, and funding to combat the destructive legacies of past decision-making, work remains and barriers to finding solutions exist. This panel will discuss how street design, community engagement, and a holistic approach to … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity Events

Harnessing data and lived experiences for safe streets

To provide a practical response to the information presented in Dangerous By Design, a Smart Growth America report that identifies unsafe road design as the main culprit in rising pedestrian deaths, this panel will explore a unique partnership between WABA, Howard University, and local high school students to address traffic violence before it happens through … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity Events

Cultural organizing as reclamation and resistance

Learn from cultural organizing groups from community-based organizations across the country working to preserve commercial corridors and community centers through arts and culture outside of historic urban ethnic enclaves. BIPOC/immigrant community members will find effective cultural community organizing strategies to build power and renegotiate exclusionary, top-down, community planning processes. Panelists will also discuss national initiatives … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity Events

Building momentum: Lessons from frontline advocates & government leaders

Structural racism in land use, infrastructure, and lending policies have physically divided and damaged communities of color and denied generations opportunities for wealth-building. Frontline community and advocacy organizations, frequently led by people of color, have fought these discriminatory practices and policies as well as their de facto effects for years, often with little support from … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity Events

Moving within this moment: Strategies for overcoming structural barriers

Efforts to advance equity in today’s environment face major structural setbacks, including the recent Supreme Court decision overturning affirmative action and reduced corporate commitment to DEI. Panelists representing a range of fields, including transportation, housing, and the civic sector, will reflect on how they are continuing to center equity in the face of these challenges. … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity Events